Invest in Grosseto: your investment
in Grosseto


Learn about the strengths and locational advantages of Grosseto and its area, key production sectors, opportunities, and distinctive and innovative aspects.


For all companies operating in manufacturing attentive to sustainability and issues of ecological and digital transition.


For professionals, young talent, and families who put quality of life first.

Who we are

Grosseto Impresa is a project sponsored by the Municipality of Grosseto in collaboration with Promo P.A. Foundation and trade associations in the area, born out of the need to reorganize and strengthen support activities for businesses wishing to invest in the Grosseto area.

Grosseto Impresa has the following objectives:

• To build an integrated territorial offer to promote the area from the point of view of attracting businesses, professionals, families and talent

• Identify the most attractive and interesting production and service chains to build innovative investment initiatives capable of revitalizing the territorial economy

• Enhance the uniqueness of Grosseto and the Maremma from the point of view of environmental and landscape quality

• Accompany and assist businesses and potential investors in their dialogue with the municipal administration

Locational Opportunities

Grosseto has localization areas for companies or start-ups. Find out about opportunities and investment projects in the area. Tell us about your productive areas and investment projects.

Investment Costs

Investment Projects

The city of Grosseto is working and intends to work on numerous investment projects that define a development strategy for the area for the near future. The projects are being built together with the City of Grosseto and trade associations in the area

Organic District

Via Genova


Centro Termale

Incentives & Opportunities

Navigate the incentives that the city government makes available to facilitate business growth and the attraction of new entrepreneurship to the area.

News & Events

Contatct us

A city accessible to large urban areas

The city of Grosseto lies on the Rome-Livorno road axis and is connected to the large urban areas of Siena and Florence via the E78.


With regard to the Rome-Livorno axis (the so-called Tirrenica), the Italian government has announced that in 2025 work will begin on upgrading and securing one of the territory’s main road axes, with plans to upgrade, among other things, the Grosseto south-San Pietro in Palazzi section and the central section from Ansedonia to Grosseto.


As for the Siena-Grosseto link, work is under way to upgrade the E78 to four lanes .

The work specifically concerns a section of about 11.8 kilometers and affects the municipalities of Sovicille, Murlo and Monticiano.


The work, for a total investment of 195 million euros, consists of upgrading the SS223 “di Paganico” to four lanes by building a new carriageway alongside the existing one.


Grosseto also has a civil airport (Grosseto Airport-Seam Spa), which currently serves private flights, with a very strong charter traffic of about 1,500 charter flights a year for business and tourist visits.



Aeroporto Leonardo da Vinci di Roma Fiumicino a 170 Km


Aeroporto Galileo Galilei di Pisa a 155 Km


Aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci di Firenze a 155 Km



Porto di Civitavecchia a 109 Km
(per Corsica, Sardegna, Sicilia, e Isola di Capraia)


Porto di Piombino a 73 Km
(per Isola d’Elba, Isola di Pianosa, Sardegna, e Corsica)



2 ore


1 ora e 30 minuti



Grosseto-Roma, Grosseto-Sarzana

