Budget 2024-2026 approved: tourism, simplification and PNRR projects prioritized

All news from Investingrosseto

Here you will find all the latest news related to the activities of the Province of Grosseto, sorted by date.

Renewable energy communities: an opportunity for agri-food SMEs

ISMEA Innovation Fund 2024: non-repayable grants for agricultural machinery and equipment kick off

Call for the processing and marketing of agricultural products: applications by 21 March 2025

Last days to participate in the Call for Proposals ‘Agricultural Investments for Animal Welfare’: applications by 15 November

Attracting investment in the agri-food sector: opportunities and challenges

SAVE THE DATE – “Attracting investments in the agri-food sector: opportunities and challenges”

New counter for Development Contracts: sustainable investments and energy efficiency for companies

Tuscany Region publishes two calls for tenders to innovate and support fishing enterprises

New opportunity for investors: a notice for the mapping of industrial and logistics areas in Tuscany

Tourism, digital and innovation: the Region of Tuscany launches nine calls for tenders for local businesses with EUR 118.8 million in grants

Tuscany Region, a 47 million call for tenders for the processing and marketing of agricultural products coming soon

Webinar on Agrofood Certification: an opportunity for companies in the sector

Public auction for the sale of real estate in the municipality of Grosseto

Young Farmers: Tuscany Region’s call for new business start-ups kicks off

On 9 September, a webinar to present the new call to attract foreign investments of the Region of Tuscany

ERDF Funds 2021-2027: a meeting in Florence to promote the new regional calls for proposals

The Region of Tuscany launches a new call to attract foreign investment

The new Territorial Coordination Plan comes into force

Maremma and Tyrrhenian Economy Observatory is born: the Chamber of Commerce’s information portal for monitoring the area

Nine Calls for Proposals Soon to Boost the Competitiveness of Tuscan Businesses

Next July 10 call for 3 million for animal welfare on BURT Tuscany

Italy world leader in luxury yachting. Growth outpacing GDP in Altagamma-Deloitte study

Giovanisì call for 3 million for Tuscan animal husbandry

Financial Times: Tuscany among most promising investment destinations

Fund on 100 mln AgriFoodTech: Riello Investimenti SGR launches LINFA

Agreement to boost agribusiness between MASAF, CDP and Intesa Sanpaolo

Tuscany leading foreign investment: 37 billion in turnover

Structural Plan approved: Grosseto ready to change face

Start-ups and Agritech: Eatable Adventures’ analysis

Tuscan wine market flies above average. eWibe records +65% over the past 5 years

Procedure for offsetting 2023-20224 tax credits available

49 million from Inail for Tuscan companies investing in safety

Approved the zeroing of the assigning charges for the changes of use of premises and funds destined to commercial activities

What is CAIE? the Committee to Attract Foreign Investment that facilitates foreign companies interested in Italy

The Board of Directors of the Biological District meets for the new MASAF call

Memorandum of understanding signed between the municipality of Isola del Giglio and the Portuguese municipality of Vidigueira

Southern Tuscany Rural District’s multi-branch project approved

Approved the zeroing of the assigning charges for the changes of use of premises and funds destined to commercial activities

Call for non-repayable grants for land development opened

PNRR Decree 4 – Advances on the new face of the Plan

Presented by FIAIP on the performance of the Maremma real estate market: also featuring Invest in Grosseto

Cervetti Srl project new partner of the Maremma Organic District

Go for the construction of the longest section of the Tyrrhenian Cycleway

Mount Amiata’s springs attract more and more visitors

The bureaucracy of the European Union

Coming 1.3 million euros from the Development and Cohesion Plan for the manufacturing hub on Genoa Street

CNA rewards young entrepreneurs with “IdeArti Young Innovators 2024” competition

Success for the conference “From the new Pac-Csr to Pnrr: the opportunities of the sector”

Decree for Renewable Energy Communities (RECs) published.

Budget 2024-2026 approved: tourism, simplification and PNRR projects prioritized

Good labor market recovery after pandemic two-year period: data from Maremma and Tyrrhenian Chamber of Commerce

Announcement No. 1: Strategic Research and Development Projects published

In Florence on Jan. 17 at the Annual Meeting of Invest in Tuscany, the 2024 Report will be presented by The European House – Ambrosetti

PNRR notice “Modernization of agricultural machinery enabling the introduction of precision farming techniques” issued

Call for tender of 17.6 million for the design and construction of lot 2B of the Tyrrhenian Cycleway

Invest in Tuscany: big opportunities for Grosseto’s strategic supply chains

Invest in Grosseto conference: press releases and materials presented

Event – Investing in Grosseto and Tuscany, the opportunities in the Grosseto area

PNRR Implementation Notice “Replacement and Modernization of Oil Presses”

Confindustria forecast report: Italian GDP slows and PNRR opportunities

Positive trend for agricultural enterprises in the Grosseto area

Pitigliano: preparatory meeting for agreement on Biological District

Coldiretti: in Maremma +15.1% of businesses under 35

Grosseto municipality’s PNRR construction sites kick off

Supply and demand intersection report for the province of Grosseto published

Maremma and Tyrrhenian Chamber of Commerce publishes two new calls on PCTO and Energy Transition

NaDEF 2023 approved

ESG & Agribusiness

Changes to the three-year plan for public works: 2 mln more

Investing in Tuscany: Guide to regional incentives

Municipality of Grosseto: structural plan approved

Notice 2023 “Agrisolar Park” published.

Grosseto municipality receives 4 Blue Sails

New Invest in Grosseto portal launched

Postponed the expiration of the ban Pnrr for the modernization of the agricultural machinery

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A city accessible to large urban areas

The city of Grosseto lies on the Rome-Livorno road axis and is connected to the large urban areas of Siena and Florence via the E78.


With regard to the Rome-Livorno axis (the so-called Tirrenica), the Italian government has announced that in 2025 work will begin on upgrading and securing one of the territory’s main road axes, with plans to upgrade, among other things, the Grosseto south-San Pietro in Palazzi section and the central section from Ansedonia to Grosseto.


As for the Siena-Grosseto link, work is under way to upgrade the E78 to four lanes .

The work specifically concerns a section of about 11.8 kilometers and affects the municipalities of Sovicille, Murlo and Monticiano.


The work, for a total investment of 195 million euros, consists of upgrading the SS223 “di Paganico” to four lanes by building a new carriageway alongside the existing one.


Grosseto also has a civil airport (Grosseto Airport-Seam Spa), which currently serves private flights, with a very strong charter traffic of about 1,500 charter flights a year for business and tourist visits.



Aeroporto Leonardo da Vinci di Roma Fiumicino a 170 Km


Aeroporto Galileo Galilei di Pisa a 155 Km


Aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci di Firenze a 155 Km



Porto di Civitavecchia a 109 Km
(per Corsica, Sardegna, Sicilia, e Isola di Capraia)


Porto di Piombino a 73 Km
(per Isola d’Elba, Isola di Pianosa, Sardegna, e Corsica)



2 ore


1 ora e 30 minuti



Grosseto-Roma, Grosseto-Sarzana

